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#WFD2014 Alliance
Click on each of the logos below to find out more about the work of each of the four WFD2014 consortium members.

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s mission statement is to lead the sustainable development of the agri-food and marine sector and to optimise its contribution to national economic development and the natural environment.

Gorta-Self Help Africa vision is a world where there is no hunger or poverty and where the poorest communities have the means to create more prosperous futures for themselves and their children.

Agri Aware is the independent Irish agri-food educational body. The mission statement of Agri Aware is to improve the image and understanding of farming and the agri-food industry among the general public. Agri Aware delivers educational programmes for primary, second and third level students and for the general public.

Concern Worldwide is an international humanitarian organisation dedicated to working with the world’s poorest people to transform their lives. We use our knowledge and experience to influence decisions made at a local, national and international level to significantly reduce extreme poverty.