#WFD2015 Conference
The Supper Room
Located in the Mansion House, Dawson St, Dublin 2.
October 16th 2015
Registration begins at 8.30am.
Expert Speakers
On the theme of ending global poverty in a generation.Ending Global Poverty in a Generation
Talks will focus the drivers of success and the role that agriculture can play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The event will also provide a platform for the formal launch of the 10th annual Global Hunger Index (GHI) report. The award-winning GHI report is published annually by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Concern Worldwide and Germany’s Welthungerhilfe, and provides a comprehensive measure of global hunger, together with successes, failures and drivers of hunger.

Dr Jason Hickel
United Kingdom
Anthropologist at the London School of Economics and Political Science
Jason Hickel is an anthropologist at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He works on globalisation, development, and economic policy as it affects the global South, and primarily southern Africa, where he is originally from. In addition to his academic research, Jason also contributes to Al Jazeera, Le Monde Diplomatique, Global Policy, Monthly Review, The Africa Report and The Guardian. Last month he wrote a widely quoted and commented piece in The Guardian ‘Why the new sustainable development goals won’t make the world a better place.

Dr John Mutunga
CEO of the Kenya National Farmers’ Federation
Dr. John Mutunga is CEO of the Kenya National Farmers’ Federation, a members run organisation that represents the interests of over two million farming households in his country. An international development policies advisor, a development leader, and agribusiness and environmental researcher, Dr. Mutunga is a Board member to several national, sub regional, regional and global agricultural research, academic and development bodies. He is also a reviewer of journals, accomplished researcher and consultant in International Development and part time university lecturer in agribusiness and environmental studies among others.

Dyborn Chibonga
Chief Executive Officer of the National Smallholder Farmers’ Association
Dyborn Chibonga is Chief Executive Officer of the National Smallholder Farmers’ Association (NASFAM) in Malawi
and a champion of the critical role that smallholders play in food production in the region. A well regarded commentator and public speaker, Chibonga on agricultural issues, he recently participated in the Brussels briefing on the “Farmer-driven research to improve food and nutrition security” organized by CTA Belgium.

Kalongo Chitengi
Country director, Self Help Africa Zambia
Kalongo Chitengi has been country director with Self Help Africa in Zambia for more than six years, and is in charge of the organisation’s largest agricultural programme in southern Africa. Her MBA dissertation, published in 2012, was on “The Self Help Africa Farming as a Business Model – A Gender Perspective.

Dr. Benjamin Davis
Senior Economist with FAO
Dr. Benjamin Davis is a Senior Economist with FAO and team leader of PtoP, UN FAO’s From Protection to Production project, which is a multi-country impact evaluation of cash transfers in sub-Saharan Africa. He has served as Social Policy Advisor for the UNICEF Regional Office in Eastern and Southern Africa and as a Research and Post Doctoral Fellow at IFPRI. He holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics from UC Berkeley.

Dr. Pauline Riak
South Sudan
Executive Director of the Sudd Institute
Dr. Pauline Riak is the Executive Director of the Sudd Institute, Juba, South Sudan will discuss the particular challenge of fighting hunger in conflict and fragile states. She is the former chair of the South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission.
Gorta Self Help Africa World Food Day Conference, 16th October 2015
Ending Global Poverty in a Generation
Click here to book your place now
Find The Conference
The World Food Day 2015 conference takes place in The Supper Room at the Mansion House, Dublin.
Getting There

Mansion House
Dawson St
Dublin 2
The Mansion House is conveniently located on Dawson street, in the city centre and easily accessible by public transport. For more information on transport to the Mansion House, please visit their website.